Enjoy Life

Joys of Dance
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Enjoy Life
The devils tremble

Many people have said, "you both have a peace on you", you have peace in your life...you have peace in your marriage.
It's not by accident. God promised peace for those who live godly.
Living holy means: Loving God with all your heart and loving others as yourself.
When you love God: you will honor Him, do what is pleasing  worship, will not grieve His spirit. If you are commiting a particular sin and can't stop. This type goes not out but by prayer and fasting. YOu will repent and turn away from sin
When you love others as yourself: You will bless them all that you can. You will not gossip, say nothing negative, nor assassinate their character. You will not become a fault-finder. Finding fault with everything and everybody, that is a form of pride and a spirit of control.
Jesus did not try to bully people into serving Him, he simply told the truth and left it to you if you would love him enough to obey.
We respect you enough to let you continue in sin if you so choose. We will not try to twist your arm, nor bully you nor embarrass you into serving the Lord. 
But you must respect our decision to be holy, and if you try to make us partake in your sins...then we have a problem. We will use our righteous anger to make you understand we will not compromise the word of God.
Holiness is not: Earning your way into heaven, because you can't. you are saved by grace it is a free gift. You do acts of mercy because of your love for God, not because you are scared you won't make it to heaven.
Being enslaved by your church leader. The bible warns, do not be a slave to man. You are to be a slave to God and his yoke is easy, his burden is light.
Men will put burdens on you that is hard to carry, frankly, you don't know what the word of God says and you are trusting others to tell you what it says. "The blind leading the blind"
Once saved always saved: We used to live this way. We would sin and then come back to God asking for forgiveness and would do it over and over again. we were miserable, unhappy and depressed most of the time.
But now that we understand we must be holy, we turned from sin and now the peace of God abides in our life, even with our stuggles, we laugh everyday. Being a christian isn't a burden, it is fun to bless others and not gossip about them. Worshipping the Lord with the gifts he has given us: me with my dance, my husband with his music.
Life is exciting, learning new things from the word of God, and peaceful cause we don't have to fear the consequences of sin, because we don't sin, for the Father gives us the power not to sin.
Yes, it hurts when we lose friends because they don't want to live holy, but we will not compromise. It is worth it to gain Christ. Friends ran out on Jesus too.
As for me any my house, we will serve the Lord
If you want peace to flow like a river in your life...Be holy!
Some christians believe that inorder to be a "good christian" you have to live a miserable exsistance.
Some allow their leaders to be their god, leading them to take on additional burdens that is contrary to the bible : "The blind leading the blind". Their leaders don't know the word of God and their followers don't either.

Are you over-worked, always stressed out, always busy? examine yourself.
  • Maybe you spend more money than you have on things you do not need. It's a pride thing or a selfish thing. These things are only temporary, you can't take them with you when you go to heaven. Life doesn't depend on the amount of material things we obtain... but in our friendships with God and people.


  • Maybe you have way to much stuff in the house that continually keeps you busy, having to clean and put away again and again. Have courage! get rid of it.


  • Maybe you do too much for your children, and buy them everything. Let them find their own missing shoe, sock or toy. Tell them clean your room and you will find it. Allow them to pick out their own clothes,  make their own sandwiches and put things back into the refrigerator. Tell them to go to their room and entertain themselves, this is my time with God, or this is my time with my husband. You deserve some alone time.


  • Too much house work! Make your kids clean and train them early, the boys and the girls.
  • Too many restaurants... learn to cook, teach your children, cooking is fun and stress relieving.
  • Maybe you can't say "no", to your boss. And you believe this is being humble.
  • Maybe you can't say "no", to your friends. Only if they compell you to go a mile, go two.
  • Exercise regularly, eat food that is alive, plenty of water, go to the park, all this is stress relieving.
The way of peace they have not known...
You want peace? forgive, love your enemies, teach, learn to live within your budget and be content, save your money, give to others, read your bible and understand it, learn to say no, learn to love yourself,  learn to worship and wait on God. This is peace.
Did God give you the gift of dance...dance
Did God give you the gift of music... play music
Did God give you the gift to teach... teach
Did God give you the gift of laughter... laugh
When you do what you were created to do then you will find joy and this can bring the money in too.

Do you want Christmas everyday?
  • Be a worshipper of God everyday. Kathryn Kuhman did!  And people were healed left and right in her ministry.
  • Be a giver. This hispanic woman did not know me, but she willingly gave me half her sandwich.
  • Be a helper. The church treasurer, a woman of wealth, just coming from a meeting wearing a suit and high heels, wanted to help me carry my heavy boxes to it's location. I told her they were heavy. She didn't give up. She said, well you carry one side, I'll carry the other. And she did, she put my boxes in her mercedes in her high heels.
  • Get involved and volunteer to help people, visit the nursing homes, orphans, bring food, clothing and shelter to the homeless.
  • When you have a dinner don't invite your rich friends, invite the poor.
  • Witness Christ to the lost.
Do you want to be blessed... "then do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
When someone invites to a celebration, but you don't have a gift... go anyway, they wanted your company for a reason. The bible says, rejoice with those who rejoice!
When someone invites you on a trip, all expenses paid! And you think you can't go because you don't have any money to help with expenses. That is pride. They wanted your company for a reason. Go on the trip, accept blessings when they come.
When God comes to get us, some will say why Lord didn't you help me, when I needed it. He will say, "the blessing came but you rejected it, because it didn't come in the form you expected.
Yes, we are to suffer for the name of Christ, but that has nothing to do with being miserable and oppressed. We are to have peace and joy. Suffer comes from being willing to obey the laws of God, do not gossip, do not lie, do not hate, fast and pray, witness Christ and be willing to stand up for the truth, even when many are against you. Even people in your very own church.
That is the suffering God is speaking about. Not man's traditions and the burdens they love to put on people, that they are not even willing to lift with one of their fingers. 
Understand this simple truth...when you read your bible and obey God, then you will free yourself from the slavery of man!
If  this helped you at all, or you have found a way to enjoy life that you want listed here, please write us.

We dance to praise the name that is above every name...That name is Jesus!
Christ Jesus paid a terrible price for our redemption...
He paid in his own blood.
Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God
Now we must go through him to get to the Father, because we are sinners we cannot get in no other way. Jesus is the way. To think you can get in by your own righteousness or by anyone else is pride.
We must be humble ourselves and accept His son who paid the price for us. Eternal life is the gift of God, you cannot get in by your own merits, acts of kindness, or by payment. We will never be good enough. We all have sinned according to the
10 Commandments, and the price for sin had to be paid.
 And Jesus paid it with righteous blood.
Therefore, ask him into your heart and serve him.
Romans 10:9, Ephesians 3:17



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Are you going to Heaven?
We love Jesus Christ, for he saves us from
the wrath of God that is coming on this 
 evil generation. 
We have all disobeyed the 10 Commandments:
Exodus 20
Thou shalt not lie...
it only takes one lie to make you a liar.
Thou shalt not steal...
 even if you take a paper clip from your job
without permission, your a thief.
Thou shalt not misuse God's name...
makes you a blesphemer.
Thou shalt not kill... to hate someone
without a reason, makes you a murderer.
And this is only 4 of the 10 Commandments which makes you a lying, thieving, blespheming, murderer,
do you believe you will make it to Heaven?
Some would say, yes! Because God is good
and would forgive me.
Lets say, you went to court for beating someone and taking their money. You say to the judge, I know you will forgive me because you are a good judge.
The judge will say, because I am good I must not allow you to get away with hurting this person, I must give them justice and make you pay for your crimes.
 And you are thrown in jail and suffer  punishment.
We deserve our punishment... in Hell forever.
But, because of God's love, He did not want this.
So He provided an escape for us. The penalty for our sins had to be paid... In blood. It had to be the blood of a perfect man.
Jesus Christ was that man! He paid the price in His own blood on the cross. He died, went down to the bowels of Hell. Stripped the devil of his power and raised back to life, to give us the victory over sin and death. Because He did this for us, Jesus is our only way to God , to save us from the wrath to come.
  • Join a church that teaches holiness according to              the word of God.
  • Make friends with people who strive for holiness,           to help you walk the walk.
  • Witness to others so they can be saved too.
Before you join a ministry, find out:
  • What is their mission statement? What is your purpose for coming together.
  • What do they believe? If you believe differently, say so and why.
  • Do you feel the peace of God in this ministry.

Copyright 2008* ladiesnight