Why is the Church powerless?
They don't teach on the blood
They don't teach that you must be holy.
They don't teach that Jesus is God in the flesh
If your church is teaching this, praise God for you,
let us know we want to visit.
We understand, the King James to be the most accurate version for english speaking people.
If there is any other more accurate, please let us know.
But the King James does 3 things that is crucial
to our power over sin and the devil.
It will make you realize that, it's by the blood that we have been saved from wrath,
you are to be holy, repent and turn away from sin.
Jesus is God in the flesh, which makes our faith unique from any other religion.
When we get back to these truths, the Church will again have power
to change the world; when we get back to holiness
The blood: And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take
the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every
kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation. Revelation 5:9
Be holy: be holy is nothing more than:
37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the
Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38This is the first and great commandment.
39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt
love thy neighbour as thyself.
40On these two commandments hang all the law
and the prophets. Matthew 22: 37 - 40
When you love God: you are a worshipper of God. It' s most unfortunate
that some churches don't know how to do this, missing out on all that God has for them.
If you want joy, victory, direction, and deliverance, you must spend ample amount of time in
praise and worship. Knowing the word is all important, but that only allows you to know about God. In worship you get
to know Him for yourself.
When you love others as yourself: You would give to those less fortunate than you,
not spend all the money on yourself. You would not desire someone else's spouse or their possessions, you won't steal what
belongs to another, you won't kill, nor would you gossip, or give negative reports about others. In
other words, you are treating others like you would want to be treated.
When you obey these two commands, you are obeying the 10 Commandments.
Jesus is God in the flesh: St. John 1In the beginning
was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God.
10He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt
among us,
(and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not
known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
John 14:9
If you like to read other translations because it helps you understand better, that is fine.
But please have a King James to read along side of it or you will be misled.
A man who understands the evils of the mouth
Joe is a karate instructor, I don't know if he is a christian...but
he acts like one. He emphasize to his class that,"we are family, therefore you are not to speak anything negative about
others. If I find out that you are doing this, even if it's outside of this class, you will not come back to this class."
He is willing to lose money, inorder to have peace in his
Joe's phone #
A woman who understands training up
her children early in the Lord.
Trina not only teaches her children the word of God, but she also
lives it. Some parents believe that children cannot understand the bible, so they do not teach them.
Laia who is 4 and Isaiah who is 7, understands. They can put some
Pastors and Deacons to shame, because they know the truth and they know to be holy. She does not allow them to watch
these modern shows, nor keeps company with unbelievers (church people who do not obey God). Trina don't have to worry about
her daughter coming home talking about she's pregnant or her son telling her he's gay.
She won't have rebellious children, who would bring
her heart break and shame. Trina did her job well.
Her home will be blessed with peace and
You can teach your children the bible but if you allow
them to watch todays sit-coms and movies, and listen to music that doesn't give God praise; and you yourself
are not living it.
All your teaching is in vain!
Praise Dancer & Worship Leader
To book her for your next praise event:
ladiesnight @ lycos.com
Before you join a Church or Ministry, find out:
- What is their mission statement? What is your purpose for coming together.
- What do they believe? If you believe differently, say so and why.
- Do you feel the peace of God.
- Do they reach out to the community, if not ask why?
A church or ministry fulfills God's best for you, when you feel refreshed and at peace. It builds you up and
edifies. You feel safe. It lifts your spirits and clears your mind of confusion, giving you a better understanding of
the word of God and how we are to walk.
Do the people there argue, debate, or are there disagreements on topics God has already addressed in His
word? We are supposed to be on one accord, having the same mind. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly
in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts
to the Lord. Colossians 3:16
Do they spend their time gossiping and complaining.14Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
15That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke,
in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;Phil
16These are murmurers, complainers,
walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of
advantage.Jude 15-21
17But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles
of our Lord Jesus Christ;
18How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should
walk after their own ungodly lusts.
19These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.
20But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying
in the Holy Ghost,
21Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus
Christ unto eternal life.
Do they consume themselves with finding fault with everything and everybody
Do they love to judge other people's sins.
Do they put people in leadership positions, without really knowing the person who they labor among?
The church is for believers. If you do not agree with the word of God, nor do
you obey it, why are you here? The church is instructed to put away wicked people. 1 Corinthians 1 - 13
1It is reported commonly that there is
fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's
2And ye are puffed up, and have not rather
mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you.
3For I verily, as absent in body, but present
in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed,
4In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,
5To deliver such an one unto Satan for
the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
6Your glorying is not good. Know ye not
that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?
7Purge out therefore the old leaven, that
ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:
8Therefore let us keep the feast, not with
old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
9I wrote unto you in an epistle not to
company with fornicators:
10Yet not altogether with the fornicators
of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world.
11But now I have written unto you not to
keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard,
or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.
12For what have I to do to judge them also
that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?
13But them that are without God judgeth.
Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.
The Church is weak because the Pastor is weak and does not care about the people under
his guidance. Being a Pastor, or a christian means doing the hard thing in love. help turn a person from the error of their
way, and restore. You must allow people to correct you also, for it is for your good. But when you see that this person wants
to remain in sin, you will have to cut them off, not to gossip nor look down on them.
but you do it so you will not backslide yourself.
Hopefully, this will cause them to turn from that sin. But you, yourself must go on.
Looking ahead for the prize.
Yes! It hurts to lose a friend, but for your soul's sake
and their's you must do it.
They are out of order.
(Cincinnati area)
Copyright 2008* ladiesnight